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EMS Community Outreach: MCHS EMS

Patient Follow Ups

  • MCHS EMS will provide automatic follow up for patients that were stroke alerts, trauma alerts, and heart alerts. If you did not get follow up on an alert please let us know.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us for patient follow up on any patient. It does not have to be an alert to follow up. We are more than happy to give follow up on any patient that is transported to our EDs.

Service Excellence

EMS lounge

We strive to have a comfortable area for you to write your report and grab a snack and something to drink. Our lounges are frequently stocked with sandwiches, snacks, fruit, frozen treats, breakfast sandwiches, bottled water, and coffee. There are now on demand water machines for those times that we run out of bottled water.

There are suggestion and concern forms in each EMS lounge. Please let us know if there is an issue in the lounge or there is something we can improve on.

ED issues

If any issue should arise in the ED please do not hesitate to contact the EMS Coordinator for that site who will work diligently to resolve the issue.

EMS equipment

There are many times EMS equipment either cannot be picked up or cannot be found. We will deliver your equipment or have it sent to you and do everything in our power to assist in finding lost or missing equipment.


We strive to build stronger relationships with our EMS providers. We want to work with you and provide the best possible care for your patients. Please do not hesitate to reach out to an EMS Coordinator at any site with questions or concerns.

Medical Direction

Our ED physicians stand ready at any time to receive requests regarding medical direction. There are several physicians that work in our EDs that are also medical directors for local EMS agencies:

  • Paul Zeeb, MD – MEC Agencies
  • Frank Orth, MD – COJFD
  • Emily Seng, MD – MCHS EMS Medical Director

Score Card

Report requests