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Ethics Resource Guide-MCHS

Medical & Nursing Ethics eBooks, Journals and Organizations

Ethics Resources for Physicians

WMA INTERNATIONAL CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS: The World Medical Association (WMA) has developed the International Code of Medical Ethics as a canon of ethical principles for the members of the medical profession worldwide. In concordance with the WMA Declaration of Geneva: The Physician’s Pledge and the WMA’s entire body of policies, it defines and elucidates the professional duties of physicians towards their patients, other physicians and health professionals, themselves, and society as a whole.


Non-Mount Carmel organizations referenced on this website are identified for informational purposes only. Mount Carmel is not endorsing these organizations. The services these organizations provide, and the values or opinions they express, may not be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Mount Carmel makes no representations concerning the conduct or beliefs of these organizations.