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Ethics Resource Guide-MCHS

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Ethics Guide: Description

Audience: This guide is designed to provide ethics support resources for health care professionals working and practicing in a variety of disciplines, including medicine, nursing, mission services, allied health and more. The goal is to collect and disseminate high quality ethics resources for the educational benefit of its users.

Navigation: The left side navigation layout consists of tabbed menus for finding articles, books, databases, professional organizations and library support services, such as article requests, literature search requests, and the library orientation.  Some main tabs include drop-down sub-tabs with links to related resources, including information on subdisciplines in medical ethics and bioethics. 

Note: Some content in this guide is arranged for multidisciplinary users to reflect the collaborative nature of interprofessional teamwork in providing quality patient care.

What is Ethics and Why is it Significant?

"Ethics derives from the Greek word, "ethos," meaning character."

Haddad, L. M., & Geiger, R. A. (2022). Nursing Ethical Considerations. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

"Without the humanities, medicine loses a part of itself"

                                                                                                         William Osler, Physician 1849-1919

An oath of ethics for physicians has been in existence since the 5th Century BCE, (Hippocratic School of Cos) calling upon them to practice medicine without harming their patients: "Primum non nocere: First, do no harm." To this day, physicians, nurses, medical students, nursing students and other healthcare professionals are challenged to perform their responsibilities as safely and competently as possible. Regardless of the discipline in which you work and practice, ethics remains a vital part of our commitment to serving the needs of all patients.


Non-Mount Carmel organizations referenced on this website are identified for informational purposes only. Mount Carmel is not endorsing these organizations. The services these organizations provide, and the values or opinions they express, may not be consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services. Mount Carmel makes no representations concerning the conduct or beliefs of these organizations.