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Family Medicine Resources Guide: Faculty Support

Curriculum Development

Access Surgery

  • Custom Curriculum 
  • PRiMER

    Peer-Reviewed Reports in Medical Education Research (PRiMER) is an open-access scholarly journal of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. As a companion to other STFM journals, PRiMER is focused on publishing small, rigorously designed original research briefs in medical education and health workforce policy, as well as learner research.

Holmboe, Eric S. “The Transformational Path Ahead: Competency-Based Medical Education in Family Medicine.” Family medicine vol. 53,7 (2021): 583-589. doi:10.22454/FamMed.2021.296914

Struggling Medical Learners: A Competency-Based Approach to Improving Performance:

Description: This 90-minute interactive faculty development workshop provides a foundational competency-based framework for identifying and assisting the struggling medical learner. The workshop uses a mock academic promotions committee meeting addressing the case of a struggling undergraduate learner. The workshop was presented at two regional conferences, and participants completed an anonymous evaluation form containing 10 items on a 5-point Likert scale and two open-ended questions. Data were analyzed and a subgroup analysis performed using an independent t test and correlation. Qualitative data were read and coded for representative themes by two authors.

Ridinger H, Cvengros J, Gunn J, Tanaka P, Rencic J, Tekian A, Park YS. Struggling Medical Learners: A Competency-Based Approach to Improving Performance. MedEdPORTAL. 2018 Aug 15;14:10739. doi: 10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10739. PMID: 30800939; PMCID: PMC6342379.


STFM is proud to present the STFM Podcast, which features conversations on key areas at the intersection of academic medicine, leadership, health equity, and medical education. 

The STFM Podcast, hosted by Saria Saccocio, MD, FAAFP, MHA, features interviews with family medicine leaders. These episodes give listeners insight into the pivotal experiences that have led to opportunities for personal growth and the development of leadership skills during their careers as healthcare professionals.

CME Library Resources

Some databases include FREE CME credits through Mount Carmel's institutional subscriptions. For each resource, users will need to sign up for FREE personal accounts to earn and claim CME credits.

Below are the databases that include CME credits with the library's subscription:

Education eJournals

If you have any suggestions or have difficulties accessing the full-text, please contact your designated librarian.

Physician & Resident Well-Being Resources