CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Emergency Medicine, Eighth Edition by C. Keith Stone; Roger L. HumphriesPublisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. An instant-access guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of the conditions most likely to present in the emergency department A Doody's Core Title for 2019! Essential for anyone practicing in an emergency department or acute care setting, this new edition of CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Emergency Medicine strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity. It delivers exactly the amount of information needed for quick diagnosis, effective treatment, and improved outcomes - no more, no less. Every chapter of this edition has been updated to reflect the latest breakthroughs and developments, and the book is filled with high-quality illustrations designed to clarify difficult concepts. FEATURES: * Strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity, delivering exactly the amount of information needed for quick diagnosis, effective treatment, and improved outcomes * Emphasizes the immediate management of life-threatening problems, then covers the evaluation and treatment of specific disorders * Priority-based and problem-oriented organization encompasses all aspects of emergency medicine, including common emergencies, trauma, and neonatal and pediatric emergencies * Extensive at-a-glance algorithms facilitate rapid decision making * Comprehensive tables of drugs commonly used in the ED